Minister of Justice confessed fraud and perjury by the Attorny-general !!

Homepage Karel de Werd <=======> Wraking van het Hof Den Haag

    Is it acceptable for a minister to be presented as a Nazi on the Internet ??

    Why is there no reaction from the Dutch Minister of Justice P.H. Donner ?


    The links in this text are only possible because of a strangulating hostageship of the Minister of Justice and of the Attorney-general . They brought themselves into this deplorable position. I, Karel de Werd, do not release the chains that shackle the two main violators of the formal law and of the worthiness of Lady Justice in the Netherlands .

    When the Minister of Justice maliciously assumed that the paying of 12 million euro in damages to mr. De Werd could be avoided, he confessed officially in writing that the prosecutor made disappear three orders of the Court of Appeal ex, art. 12i Sv. This in violation with the formal law. Before he acknowledged this appalling confession he tried conspiring with the Attorney-general De Wijkerslooth de Weerdesteyn to embezzle the legal proof, where they did not succeed other than by their own doing.


    Committing perjury and the admittance of perjury by the prosecutors, and the backing up of the non_prosecution of perjury by the Office of the Attorney-general, ruined my business as contractor and caused a lot of misery and I was with my family taken hostage in perjurious procedures for many years. My beloved wife until her death. Note this: even with only one order of the Court (ex art 12i Sv) is given to prosecute perjury, shows how decadent the office of the Attorney general functions as the maintainer of the law (ex. art. 4 Ro.) This under the judicial and political responsibility of resp. Jhr. de Wijkerslooth de Weerdesteyn as chairman of the Council of Attorney general and of the minister of Justice mr. P.H. Donner.

    Now Armageddon has started, and will only end when I, Karel de Werd, has received my compensation, which I fully deserve by law. Just read and shiver and be flabbergasted by the ultimate corruption of the justice system in The Netherlands, based on severe gaps in the formal law and the absolute absence of political and journalistic control on the executive.

    One example: The hard struggle of 17 years of mr. drs. Burhoven Jaspers MBA, against his ex-spouse who was a legal expert at the High Court of the Netherlands . Although she had illegally robbed her ex-husband's bank account in Switzerland with a forged signature ( see document ), she now is a judge in the Court of Appeal in Arnhem . How is this possible?


    There are many such examples of injustice in The Netherlands by which people suffer socially, financially and psychologically that can be regarded as severe violations of human rights. This is not an exception. In the Netherlands and under certain circumstances that cannot have open scrutiny, many miscarriages of judgement are carried out as a result of collusion, based on improper legislation.

    The cause of this improper legislation derives from the fact that the general interest in The Netherlands sometimes is sacrificed to strict personal and party_political interest, which often results in a complete absence of rights for the less wealthy in society. This is in violation with the constitution, personal liberties and Human Rights, which also have been ratified by the state of The Netherlands.

    This mail has been sent also to the European Commission of Human Rights.


    With full responsibility


    Karel H. de Werd,

    Postbus 36157, 1020 MD Amsterdam


    C.c. The Dutch government and parliament in The Hague and in Brussels etc.