Order Form of Foundation VOC

Rubrieken . . . . . SDN <======> Babylon . . . . Archief

Babylon clarification

                       VOC-AIT Order Form
                     Version 2.3,  02-02-96

  Copyright 1996, Stichting VOC, Huizen. All Rights Reserved.

     Return this form to :         Stichting VOC
                                   P.O.box 3030
                                   1273 RJ Huizen
     E-mail: sdn@planet.nl    The Netherlands / Holland

 ===> Please read the information in the REGISTER.DOC before
      ordering! Otherwise we may not have enough information
      to process your order, it may be delayed or cancelled.

    1: English    > Dutch    &  Dutch   > English    ($  50)
    2: English    > German   &  German  > English    ($  50)
    3: German     > Dutch    &  Dutch   > German     ($ 150)
    4: French     > Dutch    &  Dutch   > French     ($  50)
    5: French     > English  &  English > French     ($  50)
    6: Spanish    > English  &  English > Spanish    ($  50)
    7: Indonesian > Dutch    &  Dutch   > Indonesian ($  10)
    8: Chinese    > German   &  German  > Chinese    ($ 200)
    9: Chinese    > Dutch    &  Dutch   > Chinese    ($ 200)
   10: Esperanto  > English  &  English > Esperanto  ($  10)

 Name    : _________________________________________________

 Company : _________________________________________________

 Address : _________________________________________________


 Phone   : _________________________________________________

 Name (35 chr) : ___________________________________________

     Quantity _______  x  US$  10.-   => US$ ____________

     Quantity _______  x  US$  50.-   => US$ ____________

     Quantity _______  x  US$ 150.-   => US$ ____________

     Quantity _______  x  US$ 200.-   => US$ ____________

                    Amount to be paid:   US$ ____________

     tote !!

   The cost of money transfer is NOT included in the deal !!!
   Ask your banker or postoffice all the information needed !
   The cheapest way is mailing the amount (if small) in cash!
   The risk of loss is limited, but will not be acknowledged!

   Type and date of
   money transfer:    _____________________________________

   I read and agree abiding the VOC license agreement:

   (Date and Signature)