An in depth Research.
That letter from today's Prime Minister of the Netherlands Willem Kok, during the time that he was becoming the Coming Man, made me decide to began a more in depth research in the field of money and capital.
Because we were obviously unable to change the way of thinking of the Dutch economic leadership we made a last attempt to alarm the country. I wrote personally a handwritten letter to the Queen of the Netherlands with the result of our findings, offering to supply all the information that led
to our conclusions to the Queen's consultants. I followed in this case an example of the mayor of the city of Utrecht who had a little bit earlier taken the same unusual step to draw national attention to a local affair.
The Queen reacted within twenty four hours and informed me that she had handed the information to her consultants. Four weeks later an assistant of the Minister of Financial Affairs informed me that he could not agree with my findings, without ever asking how we had
come to our findings. In 1984 the Netherlands reached one million unemployed, exactly as I had forecasted in 1981.
The reason for this inability to observe economic reality is the basic idea that we have formed about the science of economics. In the Wall Street Journal of January 9, 1986 I found an article that expressed in a peculiar manner what is wrong with our way of thinking. Go to
Blindness of the Economic World
I began with the development of pilot schemes that would prove a lack in our knowledge about the working of money and capital in the economy. All our positive and negative experiences during the development of those pilot schemes lead to the decision to began a major international research in the field of money and capital.
The research resulted in the publication of the first report in August 1985. I continued my research since 1985 in the United States which resulted in the publication of
"The Monrobey Report" in 1989.
In this 1989 report I forecasted the avoidable economic depression in 1994
of the European nations, based on my findings in the Netherlands in 1981.
Rereading that report in 1997 makes me aware that most people will have difficulties in understanding every line of it. The fact that it has been written by only one person for whom English was a second language, guarantees some awkward phrasing. However, the total picture that develops after more than 300 pages does not leave much doubt that we need urgently a New Economic Paradigm.
This electronic lesson is based on the lessons drawn from "The Monrobey Report". Contrary to the "Monrobey Report" the lessons in this publication are understandable and readable for everyone, even for those who have no feel for figures.
This first original edition has not been edited by an American editor. As soon as I have met the person with the right qualities to do that job, we will renew this publication. Until then you have to accept my writing and language oddities.
In Lesson one you will find the beginning of the unfolding of the most
unbelievable scientific mistake ever made in economic history.
Enjoy the lessons.